What is a Carbon Footprint Assessment?

A carbon footprint assessment is an environmental audit to compute and analyze the total amount of greenhouse gases that are generated by the professional activities of a company. In order to carry out a carbon assessment, we multiply the company's activity data by specific emission factors.

ex. 50MWh of electricity*0.499= 24.95kgCO2e

Your carbon emissions can be divided into 3 categories

Scope 1

Direct greenhouse gas emissions from operations that are owned or controlled by the company. e.g. emissions from combustion of boilers, vehicles, combustion of fuels, etc...

Scope 2

Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating or cooling consumed by the company.

Scope 3

All other indirect emissions, often related to the entity's value chain, which are not directly associated with the production of your products/services. (Often represents the largest scope). e.g. Product Transportation, Use of sold products, Business Travels, etc...

Start your Carbon Footprint Assessment

ECONOS is proud to operate the first carbon footprint assessment software specialized for large companies in Romania, capable of computing a Scope 1, 2 & 3 carbon footprint analysis automatically in a faster and more efficient way.
In line with the European Union's objective of becoming the first carbon neutral continent by 2050, it is essential for companies to calculate their carbon emissions. The new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will require large companies based in the EU to report a mandatory carbon assessment from next year.

What else?

The CSRD will introduce the obligation for large companies to carry out a carbon footprint assessment coupled with a monitoring of their environmental, social and governance impacts included in a full ESG Report.

The carbon indicators included in the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive's ESG Report are the following:

  • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reporting (Scopes 1, 2 & 3) over the past 3 years

  • Description of principal risks related to sustainability matters

  • Sustainable Policy Agenda with carbon emissions reduction targets - Absolute targets of 1.23% reduction per year

    => GHG emissions calculations will be made in accordance to the GHG Protocol methodology

The CSRD report will be included in the company's financial statement and will be verified by the consequent authority.
=> In Romania, it is likely that ANAF and Camera de Comerț și Industrie in collaboration with Ministerul Mediului will have this responsibility.
ECONOS provides a Complete Corporate Sustainability Package
Full ESG Report in line with the CSRD including:

  • Certified software and user guidance for an efficient carbon footprint assessment (all 3 Scopes)
  • Tailored Sustainable Policy Agenda with recommendations to reduce carbon emissions
  • Exclusive partnerships with sustainable companies
  • Meaningful carbon offset (CO2 Compensation) recommendations
  • EU Taxonomy reporting & alignment recommendations
  • Digital Marketing content to communicate results internally and externally
Our partners

Ministerul Mediului, Apelor si Padurilor

Romania's Environmental Ministry

Our partners


Impakt.io is the first engineering office specialising in digital technology to be certified by the Association Bilan Carbone with the ambition to support large companies in the development of their climate strategy.

Our partners


Bilan Carbone

Also known as the Association for Low-Carbon transition, a subsidiary of the ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency), the ABC is in charge of most carbon related topics in France and also Europe.